The Most Important Types of Cover For Motor Trade Businesses in the UK
Running a motor trade business comes with a lot of responsibility. One of the most important aspects of running a motor trade business in the UK successfully is having the right insurance in place.
Below are some of the most essential types of cover available –
Road risk insurance
Road risk insurance is something that practically every motor trade insurance business requires. It enables the policy holder and their employees to work on and transport customer vehicles as required.
You are able to what level of cover you want from third party only up to fully comprehensive. If you’re looking for a policy then you can get road risk cover from www.traders-insurance.com very easily.
Liability claims
Liability claims are something that business owners in the UK have to be particularly wary about these days. There are two main types of liability insurance for motor trade business owners – public liability insurance and employers’ liability insurance.
As the names would suggest, public liability covers you for claims from the public, including customers; whereas employers’ liability covers you for claims from your employees.
Legal expenses
Legal expenses are another thing you can get cover for with a motor trade insurance policy. If you
feel that a liability claim has been unfairly filed against your business then you’ll want to fight it in court. The trouble with this is that legal proceedings can be very time-
consuming and costly. If you have legal expenses included in your policy then you at least don’t have to worry about the financial side of fighting a claim.
Cover for premises
If you have a premises for your motor trade business then getting insurance for it is vital. Although you can get a separate building insurance policy for your business premises, it often works out cheaper to have it covered under your traders policy.
Many motor trade business owners opt to get what it known as a combined policy. This is a type of cover that protects all aspects of your business from your vehicles to your premises, tools, stock and cash.
Finding motor trade insurance quotes
traders-insurance.com motor trade insurance service allows you to get quotes from many different motor trade insurance specialists by filling out one simple form.
Getting quotes from a lot of different providers is an extremely reliable way to prevent from overspending on motor trade insurance so it’s always recommended that you do this.…
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